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Healthy Longevity Center (HLC)

Talk by Visiting Fellow Dr. Kana Eguchi - "User-Centered Approach for Sustainable Data-Driven Ecosystems Supporting Healthy Longevity"


The HLC and UZH Global Affairs are excited to invite you to attend the talk by Program-Specific Assistant Professor Dr. Kana Eguchi from Kyoto University, Japan, at the Development, Neuroscience and Cognition (DeNC) Collquium of the UZH Department of Psychology on

"User-Centered Approach for Sustainable Data-Driven Ecosystems Supporting Healthy Longevity"

When: October 2, 2023, from 16:15-17:45

Where: University of Zurich, Room BIN 1-B.01, Binzmühlestrasse 14, 8050 Zürich

Dr. Kana Eguchi is a visiting fellow at the HLC from September-October, 2023.