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Healthy Longevity Center (HLC)

New UZH Lecture Series - "Das Neue. Entstehen, Wirken und Sinn des Neuen in der Welt"


The lecture series will tackle the concept of "new" in an inter- and transdisciplinary way: What is "new"? How does something "new" come into being? What does "new" mean as change, as novelty, as advance? The concept of "new" will be considered from the dimensions of technological development, the natural sciences, entrepreneurship, medicine, culture, epistemiology, and theology. The series is organized and directed by Prof. Dr. Dr. Oliver Ullrich (Director, UZH Space Hub), Prof. Dr. Mike Martin (Director, UZH Healthy Longevity Center), and Dr. Maria Olivares (Head, UZH Innovation Hub). More information about the lectures can be found (in German) here.